29 Ocak 2025 Çarşamba
“Communiqué on Procedures and Principles for Determining Ethyl Alcohol, Methanol and Suma Production Amounts and Stock Movements in Ethyl Alcohol and Methanol Warehouses, Determining the Method for Trade of Products, Collection of Data and Transportation of Products” was published in the Official Gazette dated 18/07/2024 and numbered 32605.
With the entry into force of the communiqué, buyers and sellers of ethyl alcohol and methanol from the Republic of Turkey. It has become mandatory for them to register to the "Alcohol Trading Platform" (ATIP) developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and to carry out their buying and selling transactions through ATIP.
For this reason, project managers who have ethyl alcohol and methanol products in the BAP/TÜBİTAK/TÜSEB project must fill out the form number 9 in the link, except for the "Information on the Institution/University Conducting the Scientific Research Project" section, and send it to bap@ibu.edu.tr.
BAİBU Scientific Research Projects Coordination Office